I didn’t get any sewing done. My afternoon was spent in yet another meeting revolving around plans for that library that I love so much. Don’t ever perceive that I’m grumbling about my library volunteerism because the library is close to my heart and it might be my anchor to sanity at present. Speaking of the library - Did you know that tomorrow is National Hot Dog Day? Well, it is and our library is celebrating the occasion. The children start back to school on Friday so we are having one last blow-out for them before their summer break is over. Besides hot dogs, we are serving lemonade and popcorn. There will be a Cupcake Walk (we thought cupcakes instead of cakes would be a hot idea for kids), games, and generally as much fun as possible. Lara, our Children’s Librarian pulls out all the stops for the kids. Kudos to Lara! If you live near and have a child that would enjoy this, please join us. My good friends, Kaye and Steve McKaskle, donated a 25 pound bag of their Braggadoccio Pops Organic Popcorn. I should have taken a picture of that 25 pound bag. I’ve never seen 25 pounds of popping corn all in 1 sack before.

The one thing I did get done is take a few (about 200) pictures this afternoon. You’d think I’d get good at this sometime, but I enjoy doing it whether I ever get good or not. My photography instructor (a gentleman and a dentist) said he’s never had a bad game of photography (he doesn’t play golf). I know what he’s talking about. My pictures may not be great like Dr. Tom’s, but I like getting out and taking them anyway. I’ll say a word or two about each of the following and I hope they entertain you at least a little bit.

We try to never let Squirt even see that pool sweeper any more but I went out with him and caught this shot. After some of his falls into the pool trying to kill it, and after getting his back all out of whack from leaning down to try and catch it, he's about decided it isn't worth trying to save us from it. I thought he looked pretty cute surveying it this afternoon. If I didn't know him like the back of my hand, I'd think he was wondering if he was looking as his own reflection.

Two bits of good news - one for each photo. Squirt decided to let it go and did not pursue the demon in the pool.
And, as my landscape expert promised, the Japanese Beetles have run their course and my Crepe Myrtles will give me some blooms to enjoy for probably at least another month. If you could see the leaves, though. Those wicked beetles ate many of the leaves until they look like green lace; but I do enjoy the flowers on those beautiful trees.
This is a picture of nothing except plain old swimming pool water. As you can see from the photo above of Squirt looking into the pool, my water looks dark blue because of our liner. I guess I was in a pretend mode when I took this and again when I edited it. It is a photo of water shooting out of one of the jets. I set the camera on shutter priority and slowed the shutter speed way down to create that soft hazy look. Then when I edited, I simply adjusted the color to make the water that greenish aqua, reminiscent of our lovely Caribbean before the oil spill. I haven't seen the Caribbean since the disaster. It is hard to even look at the images on the news.
This was today's sunset. I can hardly refuse a sunset. It is a personal thing to me. I perceive it as a message from God that He is always here and that He is always in control.
Have a great evening!
I know this is an odd thing to pick from your post, but how does one find those unique "holidays"? I like to put things like that on our calendar and "observe"/celebrate them with our kids just for fun. Thanks!
I'll pose that question down at the library today and post an answer this evening. Me? I don't even know what day of the week it is most of the time.
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