Sunday, May 23, 2010


Yesterday morning my neighbor called to see if I would give her a lesson on bullion roses. She doesn’t do heirloom sewing or fine hand embroidery, but she’s got a quilt going all the time. Right now her project is something like the Sunbonnet Sue and each block has a bouquet of flowers in it, 3 of which are bullion roses. There will be a total of 75 bullion roses in this quilt, so I expect my neighbor will be skilled in bullions before it is over. We spent a while with me demonstrating and her catching on pretty quickly. She and her husband have always loved chickens and they keep a coop at the back of their acre lot just behind their well tended garden. She, of course, wanted to do something nice for me in exchange for her lesson so I just asked if I could come and take some pictures of the chickens.

This is a Rhode Island Red that is looking straight at me.

Dominickers are the oldest breed of chickens in the US. This one doesn’t show up that well against the tree trunk, but she’s on her way into the pen to watch after her babies.
Here are some mighty cute babies.

This is Robert and Harold. Can you guess which one is which? I’ll give you a hint..... Robert’s mother must have been hoping for a boy when she was born. Harold is going through chemo, but he keeps on pushing and I admire his determination. These are fine folks and wonderful neighbors.

Don’t have a photo of the man who tends our garden. That big, burly gentleman’s name is Joyce; and it is sort of like Johnny Cash’s boy named Sue. You wouldn’t want to give him a lot of grief about his name. Most of the guys just call him J.R.

I noticed Robert’s shoes and thought they were right flashy. Her niece in New York who works in the magazine business sent them to her. Then I demonstrated how you can tell if a child was raised in the country around chickens. I spent a good bit of time at my grandparent’s house as a child and I know all about running around barefoot with chickens on the place. It is a wonder I lived to reach adulthood.

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