Saturday, May 22, 2010

After the Recital

MH and I attended a piano recital tonight. It was the first one we've been to in a long time. Wish I had gotten some good photos of the 2 grandchildren who were performing, but the light was very poor and I didn't think a tripod, flash, or blocking the view of others would be the thing to do. It doesn't make much difference how your child is faring with their performance, you want an undisturbed, clear view of them. The trade off is poor photos. Our boy plays with his tongue poked out. Don't know why it helps, but it just works for him.
This photo I couldn't resist sharing. After the recital, the teacher asked all the children to come up on stage for photographs. As you can tell, our little fellow had enjoyed about all of it he was able to. The young man on the back row appeared to have had it, too; but our boy was really about to lose it.
Our girl was hanging in there just a tad better than he was. She was awfully tired, but she'd been treated to the beauty shop and a curly "do", so her mood was better to begin with.
They were mighty cute, and they played rather well to be as young as they are, but I think we are all glad it is over for the year.

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