MH’s cousin, Lori, was in town visiting her parents for the weekend. She has an adorable little Yorkshire Terrier named Gracie, but Gracie (being a terrier) has some traits in common with Squirt. Gracie is up to no good whenever she gets half a chance. Last night at about 7:30, Gracie went missing for a just a minute or two. When Lori realized that Gracie was mighty quiet, she knew it was time to see what was up. Gracie came out from under a piece of furniture gulping and gagging. When Lori investigated, she saw that Gracie had been into Lori’s grandmother’s old sewing basket. Since Lori and Gracie were visiting from Mississippi and too far away from home to get to their own vet, we called our vet. Dr. Martin met us at his clinic and after X-Rays, it was determined that Gracie had, indeed, ingested something that looked like a wad of fabric, ball of yarn, or some such. Since our Dyersburg vet clinic doesn’t have the equipment to do an endoscopic exam on a dog, we made a flying trip to the emergency vet clinic in Memphis. Now this is a 2 hour drive and it was around midnight when we got there. By this time, the foreign body (whatever it was) had left the stomach and was on its way through the intestinal tract. Let the waiting begin.....
So Lori, Gracie, and I were stuck in Memphis in the middle of the night. Lori wasn’t about to leave Gracie in the clinic overnight but we couldn’t afford to get too far away in case Gracie got obstructed. So Lori, Gracie, and Mimi Pearl head out to find a hotel that takes dogs. No toothbrush, no pj’s, no face cleanser, and by this time we were creeping up on 3 A.M. But the Memphis Hilton took us, gave us toothbrushes, and even brought a puppy kit for Gracie. I am pleased to report that Gracie is feeling pretty chipper this morning and even had the nerve to growl and bark at me when I crawled out of the bed after about 3 hours of sleep (I slept in my clothes, I might add). MH had to bring Lori’s car to Memphis so she could make the trek back to Mississippi and we headed back to Dyersburg. Just as we pulled into our driveway, we noticed that Gracie’s X-Rays were still in my vehicle. Good golly!
I am hoping that this story has a happy ending, but it may be a few more days before we can declare that all is well. This photo of Gracie was taken on July 4th of this year. She is a little "bear" to photograph because she is never still. The lighting was poor and impossible for me to correct in my photo editing program, so I put this sepia effect on it, which helped it. She really is a beautiful little Yorkie. I'm betting that sewing basket goes on a high shelf.
Oh my goodness. That sounds like a Lucy and Ethel episode!!
It felt like a Lucy and Ethel episode! Gracie was doing OK at about 5pm today, but still no sign of whatever she swallowed.
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