Now to report on Squirt - he had the staples removed yesterday and he is beginning to bear a little weight on his leg. He seems to genuinely be "on the mend", which we are thankful for. The next 2 weeks will probably be harder than the previous 2 weeks since he is still supposed to avoid running, jumping, and stairs.
Squirt and Gracie have a lot in common. He, also, has had some experience with ingesting something he shouldn't have gotten hold of. In fact, this has happened several times with him. The closest call we had with him was when he got hold of my blood pressure medication. I laid that little blue capsule on the kitchen counter and then fixed myself a glass of water to take it. When I looked down to pick up the capsule and swallow it, it had disappeared. I reckoned that it had rolled off the kitchen counter and, sure enough.... when I looked down, Squirt was standing at my feet with a guilty look on his face. I tried to grab him quickly and, of course, he ran like a cheetah. By the time I caught him, the capsule had been swallowed. In a panic, I called our vet (who is no longer surprised by anything, I might add). I now know what will induce vomiting in a dog. I was fortunate to have a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in the house and a plain old straw. I fed Squirt several straw's full of peroxide (against his will), but I got it down him. Well, up came the capsule and, fortunately, it had not done enough dissolving to cause a problem. But Squirt sure was a sick puppy for the rest of the morning.
There is no telling how many pieces of furniture I could have bought with the money his misadventures have cost me!
So glad to hear that all canine members of the family are recovering nicely! Furniture is nice, but could never provide the unconditional love of our furry friends! These days, I hate to get out of bed, because I know my world will be a double image blur for the first few hours. It is my sweet Schnauzer that stays curled up with me, and could care less what I see. He is getting old and deaf, so we are a good match -- deaf and almost blind!
I was able to look through some old Creative Needle magazines yesterday, and suddenly realized Squirt was part of a photoshoot! It was your granddaughter wearing the lovely pink and grey skirt and jacket ensemble. Squirt, the wonderful stitching inspiration, and that beloved publication really made me smile!
Squirt was just a puppy then, but we sure did have fun with that shoot. It was around the time that Reese Witherspoon did her Legally Blonde movies and Taylor wanted her hair like Reese Witherspoon. We had to drag her out of the swimming pool that day and do her hair in a flip, which was not easy.
Hope your vision improves soon. I know you must feel like this has dragged on way too long. I can only imagine how depressing it must be.
Come to think of it, she did resemble a little Reese! Thank you for the well wishes. Patience is not my strength, but I am learning.
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