My morning was spent working at the bake sale for our library which demanded that for the 2nd time this week, I had to get up early. I am not a lazy person, but the hardest thing I do every day is rise and shine. I don’t really know which is harder - the rising or the shining. I am a night owl by nature, but sometimes you’ve just gotta do what you’ve gotta do. The bake sale went well and was over before noon, so I’m really none the worse for wear.
I thought I was desperate for a nap after getting up so early but when my granddaughter called to see if she could visit this afternoon, I couldn’t/wouldn’t turn her down. As it turned out, we called her best friend to join us and now we are having a sleep over. These two girls have been best friends since they were babies. They got acquainted in the church nursery and there has rarely been a cross word between them in the intervening years. They have a lot in common and both girls have sweet and gentle dispositions. I looked out as the sun was going down and they had returned to the swimming pool. It was a compelling sight to see these good friends in the beauty of the early evening as the last evidence of a sunny day was disappearing, so I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get a few photos of them. After dark they came in and helped me edit and choose the photo to post. As I am writing this blog, they are trying on my shoes (which happen to be my weakness).

These 2 young ladies have given me a delightful day on a silver platter. We have a friend that is always quoting in a “tongue in cheek” sort of way, “Memories are made of this.” But memories really are made of afternoons like this. If I live to be old, I pray that my memory will allow me to revisit scenes like I’ve experienced today.
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