I will tell you about something I saw (and even bought) that could easily be copied. We went over to Hilton Head yesterday and shopped for a while. There was a real nice boutique that had lots of designer duds for children and adolescents. I’m not talking smocked and heirloom things exactly, but things that could be quickly made, and more importantly, frequently worn. In other words, the kids would really like these outfits. One thing I loved (and purchased for my 13 year old granddaughter) was an adorable skirt. Maybe I can get a rip-off of that skirt sewn one day this week as I really think I can make the skirt with the speed of making a pillowcase. Then if I get it made, maybe I can talk Taylor into modeling it. In my opinion, she is a beautiful child; but camera shy is not the word to describe her. If I can get her to do it, it will be a photo of a headless girl - but at least you’ll be able to see the skirt. I’ll pass along a hint.... this project will be perfect for some of the Liberty of London I’ve got in my stash. And I imagine some of this Liberty will soon be for sale to any interested parties. This skirt would require only a small cut of fabric, so it would be a palatable way to use the pricey Liberty.
No pictures were taken today, but I feel a serious obligation to at least put a couple of photos up, so it will be more dogs. I am really drawn to animal photography. Maybe I’ll get good at it someday. One blog I watch every day is www.bedlamfarm.com. I like Jon Katz’s books about dogs and I love to read his journal. He has done some wonderful animal photography, particularly of his beloved dogs. Since Squirt is an only dog and likes it that way, I have to take advantage of animal photography when he is not with me.
I think this cutie pie could audition for the movies. He was a very good natured Goldendoodle.
This dog was just a puppy, albeit a large puppy. I couldn't get him to be still or look at me for a photo, but he was interested in his treat.

Now this is the picture that tells a story. There were 4 of these dogs in this car, and I'm sure that the one on the driver's side in the backseat would have happily killed me had he been able to get out of that car. I didn't dare get too close, but he was slinging spit with all the barking and growling at every passerby. Then he'd turn around and lick the dog next to him right on the mouth. Notice the background. I had to wonder what the owner of those 4 dogs was up to, but I thought it best to get on my way.
Now this is who I want to see. You can bet I'll be out at Petcetera to pick him up as soon as they open up in the morning. My story of this photo goes like this..... Squirt likes to nap in the sunshine that streams through the kitchen window, so I drag his mat across the floor for as long as he wants to nap, which is normally as long as the sun is low enough to give him a nice sunny spot. In the evenings when there is no sun, he surrounds himself with his toys before he beds down. I guess I've given him a bad reputation for he really is a sweet dog.
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