Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sugar Bear

There is going be a new member of our family. We may be the most blended family in Dyer County already, so what’s one more? I guess he’ll be a joint custody affair. My granddaughter loves one of those little foster puppies so much that we just have to keep him. And everywhere she goes, he’ll be sure to follow. Think Mary and her little lamb. I don’t tell my grandchild this but the cute little dog does look like he could have been sired by a skunk. Just look at him. Maybe I’ve lived in the country too long and have seen a few too many skunks in my day. I hope the local skunks don’t spy him, think there is a new kid on their block, and decide to throw a housewarming for him. On the bright side, that puppy is about the cutest and sweetest little thing I ever saw, and it warms my heart to see my granddaughter with him. I guess I’ll be ordering one of those electronic fences tomorrow.
Meet Sugar Bear!


Unknown said...

Awwwww.... he is adorable. If I didn't already have 3 dogs of my own, I'd probably be making my way down to Dyersberg for one of his siblings. However, my hands are too full as it is!

Carol Harris said...

He really is cute. Hope everyone continues to feel that way as he works his way through puppyhood. My friend has a new puppy and it is working its way through chewing up everything she owns. When you get a puppy you just sign on for all of that -

Jan M said...

Sugar Bear is so lucky to have found a good home! I love his toy, too!
I cannot imagine our home without a dog. I can't imagine going through puppyhood now either, though. The lazy nature of our 13 year old Schnauzer is just perfect for me right now. Hope you and your household are not too attached to anything yummy to chew!

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