Most who’ve read my blog since the beginning know about the awful flood that hit our little town. Maybe you’ve seen the movie,
A River Runs Through It. Well, the Forked Deer River runs right smack through our little town and the devastation caused by May’s flood was unequalled in Dyersburg's history. We didn’t get much attention as the devastation in Nashville was so horrific. Nashville, particularly the Opryland complex, contributes so much to the state’s income in tax revenue that it was a serious blow to our state’s economy. I guess what happened here seemed small in contrast, but when it happens to you, it is not a small thing. Although I have not checked statistics, I would imagine that, per capita, the damage here was probably worse than anyplace else in the state. South Dyersburg still looks like a ghost town. Many businesses and residents were totally wiped out, and people either don’t know what the best course of action is (like me), or they can’t lasso the funds to fix things even if they think going back is the best thing for them. My own building is just sitting there and I don’t know what to do. When you are looking at a hefty price tag in restoration (not counting what you had to spend to escape having your building condemned) with no prospect of a tenant, in addition to the knowledge that when the flood plain is re-drawn, you’ll be in it - what do you do? Do you throw good money after bad? Do you demolish a building that could be salvaged? Well, I’m still contemplating the situation and have not made a decision about what the wise thing is. But in spite of my own worries, I was not affected nearly to the extent that most in the area were. Of course, I have a soft spot for pets, and the local animal shelter has kept pets for their owners for as long as they can. Many of the flood victims haven't been able to find places to live where pets are accepted so their beloved pets are having to go up for adoption. That alone is enough to make one weep. I watched the news with sinful envy as the Country Music Stars pulled out all the stops for Nashville and wondered why no one seemed to notice our pain. But now I can report that we have had a true heroine come forward to help Dyersburg's many victims.

Another thing that most of you know about me is that I’m totally committed to our town’s library. Nora Roberts is one of our most popular authors. She also writes under the name “J. D. Robb” and I believe it has been said that she is the most prolific writer of our day. She went all out for the victims of Hurricane Katrina, and she is going all out for us, too. I don’t keep up with fan clubs, but Nora has a fan club and a Dyersburg resident is a member of Nora’s fan club. Nora has challenged her fans to contribute and she is matching her fan’s contributions. As of this date, I believe there has been $10,000 in donations to our local flood victims. Well, I can tell you that I am Nora’s fan, and I am a fan of her fans. We love them and we thank them from the very bottom of our hearts.
To honor Nora Roberts and her many fans, we threw a little party down at the library today in their honor. They have been kind and generous, and we will never forget what they’ve done for us. This is the link to the story that ran in our local newspaper about the generosity of Nora Roberts and her fan club: if you wonder about that Pepsi sign? Our local Dr. Pepper/Pepsi distributor, Burks Beverage, can always be counted on to help us out. I wouldn't leave their logo out of the photo for anything. Thanks also to Burks Beverage for making our sign. There is not a more civic minded business in our community. And that is why I am a devoted Diet Pepsi drinker! (besides - it is so, so good)
I have to smile... my mothers name is Nora Roberts. No, not that one... but there are a LOT of jokes/stories because of the author. I would love the sign..
I wish I could arrange it for you, but Friends of the Library are in possession of the sign and I think Burks Beverage can rework that same piece of signage for whatever our next event happens to be. We are fortunate that they make those things for us. Our little library or Friends group wouldn't be able to afford it.
But I sure am glad it gave you a smile today!
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