Wednesday, June 30, 2010


This week is leading up to the 4th of July and I’ve had my mind on patriotic things. Flags are flying everywhere, but my mind still swirls around sewing. I guess seeing all the reminders of patriotism made me think about the antique army issue sewing kit MH found at an antique store several years ago. It is an interesting piece. I don’t have a clue what all soldiers are taught during basic training, but maybe they are taught how to do simple mending.

This photo is how the sewing kit looks when it is all put together as if ready to pack.

You can take this apart and see how the spools of thread are stored and how the needle is inserted into the central core. As shown, the spools are original wooden spools wound with the colors a soldier in the army would wear. The thimble fits over the needle and a cap covers the kit while allowing the thimble to stand through the hole on the lid.

The patent date is on the bottom of the kit. This close-up photo indicates a date of Jan. 1912. World War I began in 1914 if I am not mistaken. Both of my grandfathers served in the army during World War I and my father served in World War II, although he served in the Navy. I never heard any of them talk about any kind of military issue sewing kit.

World War II is a big part of our local history as there was an army air base located here. They trained B-52 bombers and a lot of my parent’s friends met and later married as a result of that army base. Our Tennessee Congressman from this district, John Tanner, was born on that base. The hospital he was born in has been bought and moved off of the old base. It now serves as the antique shop in the little conglomeration of shops called Charlene’s Colony of Shoppes. If you are ever near Halls, TN, it would be worth a visit. Charlene has a gift shop, a tea room, the antique mall, a ready-to-wear shop, and plenty more. Very unique.

Well, back to the army base, we now have a very nice World War II museum and many of the men who met their wives and eventually settled here sure do enjoy getting together and spending time at the museum. The museum is a new building. MH bought the only original WWII hangar left standing. There are names carved into the walls and looking at it brings a feeling of nostalgia even though I wasn’t even born until after the war was over.

I’m a Baby Boomer, though.

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